What to Consider Before Buying a Robotic Pool Cleaner for a Small Pool

You might think any robotic pool cleaner is perfect for your small pool, yet there are vast differences in weight, features, and pool type. You must tailor your pool cleaner to fit that of your pool needs. Here is what you need to know now.

Type of Pool 

Your pool cleaner must be suitable for your particular pool. For above ground pools, for example, you should consider a robotic pool cleaner that will not damage the pool. Above ground pools are more fragile than in-ground pools, so a heavy or too-powerful cleaner is not a good choice for your pool. Remember, your ultimate goal is to extend the life of your pool by keeping it clean and balanced. For larger in-ground pools, you want to choose a pool cleaner that is powerful enough to clean it thoroughly.

Above ground pool

Pool Surface

The type of surface your pool has must also be considered. Smooth surfaces such as vinyl, concrete, and fiberglass require certain features in a robotic cleaner. Other types, such as gunite, are rougher and some pool cleaners could damage the coat. Finding a cleaner that can clean any surface without damaging it is ideal.

Pool surface


The pool cleaner for a small pool should be lightweight, especially for above ground pools which are slightly more delicate with aluminum sides. You don’t want to lift a heavy cleaner, either, so it should be light and easy to remove from your pool.

Lightweight pool cleaner

Scrubbing Brushes

To get your pool really clean you should consider the type of scrubbing brushes that come with the cleaner. Some have one scrubbing brush while others have two or three. Some cleaners only clean floors, while others will clean the floor and walls. It’s your best bet to choose a cleaner that cleans your entire pool as it’s more efficient and cost-effective.

Scrubbing Brushes

PowerStream™ Navigation Systems

One of the most important features to consider in your new pool cleaner is a navigation system such as CleverClean™  and PowerStream™. The CleverClean™  system scans your pool surfaces and carefully maps the cleaning. The PowerStream ™ system allows your robot to turn in tight corners for flawless cleaning cycles. Without a navigation system, your pool cleaner “guesses” where it needs to clean and often misses dirt or gets stuck in small corners of your pool.

Filtration System

Another important feature is the filtration system of your robot. Pool cleaners that have interchangeable filters such as fine and ultra-fine filters will keep your pool water sparkling clean. You also want to choose a cleaner that has easy-access filters that are simple to clean. Fine filters are good for removing large debris such as leaves and sand. Ultra-fine filters are excellent for removing even the smallest particles of debris for a sparkling pool.


Check out this video to see how dirt and debris travel through your Dolphin robotic pool cleaner.



Decide what you want to be cleaned in your pool. If you only want the floor cleaned, there are cleaners that only cover floors. Others with full sets of features clean the entire pool, including waterline scrubbing. A good choice is a cleaner that cleans your entire pool, after all, your goal is to do less work to maintain your pool.



Now that you know the things you should consider before purchasing the perfect small pool cleaner, check out the what we believe are the top six choices: 6 Best Small Pool Cleaners in 2023