The Ultimate Guide to Opening Your Pool

Opening your swimming pool for the season is an exciting time, and whilst it may be tempting to dive right in, there are several critical steps to take to ensure your pool is safe, clean and ready for fun! Integrating a robotic pool cleaner into your routine can save you significant time and make the process and whole lot easier. Here's a step by step guide to opening your pool:

Preparation Steps

Before diving into the steps of opening your pool for Summer, it’s crucial to understand the importance of preparation. A well-prepared pool ensures a smooth transition into the swimming season. This foundational work sets the scene for a successful opening, ensuring your pool is clean, safe, and ready for the warm days ahead.

  1. Inspect and Clean the Pool Area: Remove any leaves, debris, and dirt from around the pool area. This often-skipped step prevents surrounding stuff from falling into the pool while you’re cleaning it, keeping you from doing double the work!
  2. Remove and Clean the Pool Cover: Carefully remove the cover to avoid spilling any debris into the pool. Check it for holes, rips, or any other issues that might require repair before you use it next. Clean, dry, and store it for future use.
  3. Check Pool Equipment: Inspect pumps, filters, and other mechanical systems for any wear or damage. If you need repairs, go ahead and make them or book a professional to do it for you. 
  4. Adjust the Water Level: Ensure the water level is midway up the skimmer opening for optimal circulation. While it’s rare for water to leak or decrease over the off-season, making this adjustment prevents damage to your systems as you open.
  5. Reconnect Electrical Systems: Safely reconnect any equipment disconnected during winterization, following all safety measures from your user manuals.

Cleaning and Chemical Treatment

After preparing your pool, the next phase is cleaning and chemical treatment. This stage is essential for ensuring your pool water is not only visually appealing but also safe for swimming. Proper cleaning removes debris and contaminants, while chemical treatment balances the water to prevent algae and bacteria growth. This combined approach, especially when incorporating advanced robotic cleaners, streamlines the process, making it more efficient and effective. Let's delve into how to achieve a sparkling clean and chemically balanced pool.

  1. Initial Cleaning: Use skimmers or manual vacuums to remove debris larger than what your Dolphin cleaner is built to handle. For exact specifications, check your model’s user manual. This step is crucial before deploying a robotic cleaner, as it prevents clogging and ensures efficient operation. 
  2. First Robotic Cleaning Session: Many of our Dolphin robotic pool cleaners feature multi-layer or dual-cartridge filtration systems that can aid in pool opening procedures, easing the manual work you have to do yourself. If you have one of these models, start with the largest filter available on your Dolphin, usually marked “Fine.” If your Dolphin has a single filter, you can perform the same steps we’re about to outline without changing filters. Run a full cleaning cycle with your Dolphin robotic vacuum cleaner. This cycle targets larger debris and particles. Clean the filter after the cleaning cycle.
  3. Adding Chemicals: After the first cleaning cycle, add the necessary chemicals to balance the water pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels. This step is essential for a safe swimming environment and maximizes the cleaner's efficiency. Adding chemicals between your Dolphin’s cleaning cycles allows the robot to help disperse chemicals evenly around your pool when it moves the water through its filters.
  4. Second Robotic Cleaning Session: If applicable, replace your robot’s filter with the “Ultra-fine” one and run another cleaning cycle. This filter targets finer particles, improving water clarity and assisting in the even distribution of chemicals. Whether you change the filter on your model or use the same one again, this second cleaning cycle ensures you have cleaned all debris from your pool and evenly distributed chemicals throughout your pool water for maximum effectiveness. 

Final Steps

With your pool clean and chemically balanced, it's time to focus on the final steps to fully open your pool for the season. These final steps ensure that all systems are running efficiently, safety measures are in place, and the pool environment is optimized for comfort and enjoyment. 

  1. Final Chemical Adjustments: After the robotic cleaning sessions, conduct a final water test. Adjust the chemical levels as necessary to reach the ideal balance for a safe and enjoyable swimming environment.
  2. Equipment Check: Ensure all pool equipment is functioning correctly and the filtration system is operating efficiently.
  3. Safety Inspections: Conduct a thorough inspection of pool ladders, diving boards, and other accessories. If “Have fun!” is rule #1 at the pool, “Be safe!” is rule #2. 
  4. Heating and Circulation: If your pool has a heating system, now is the time to activate it. Now is also the time to ensure the circulation system is running smoothly to distribute chemicals and maintain water clarity between Dolphin cleaning cycles.
  5. Regular Pool Maintenance: Establish a seasonal pool maintenance schedule that includes regular cleaning cycles with your Dolphin robotic cleaner and routine chemical checks to keep your pool in top condition throughout the season.


Opening your pool is a detailed process that sets the tone for a season of fun! By incorporating Dolphin robotic cleaners, you can significantly reduce manual labor, ensuring your pool is clean, clear, and ready for swimmers. Remember, while robotic cleaners are highly effective, they complement rather than replace the comprehensive steps needed to open your pool safely and efficiently.