Which Pool Chemicals Should I Use?

Taking care of your pool is more than just running your pump and turning on your Dolphin. Choosing the right pool chemicals can be a difficult task depending on your needs, allergies, and what is best for your pool. There are a few different options available for keeping your pool water clear and clean, which we will compare below so you can make an informed decision.


Chlorine is one of the most commonly known pool chemicals used. You can recognize the smell as soon as you come near the pool that is using it! Chlorine is widely used because it is the most inexpensive form of pool chemicals and covers all of the bases of cleaning your pool this summer. It sanitizes, oxidizes, and deters algae. As a sanitizer it removes bacteria, parasites, viruses, mold, and mildew among other things from the water. The biggest downfalls of chlorine are the strong smell and the likelihood of an allergic reaction for some swimmers. This could be eye irritation, skin irritation, and even respiratory issues. 

  1. Pros: sanitizes, oxidizes, and deters algae
  2. Cons: strong smell, possible sensitivities, levels can be irregular

Salt Water Pool

Saltwater pool maintenance may seem like a great option to avoid using chlorine, but really, you are still using chlorine, just in a different way. With a chlorine pool, you are adding chlorine directly to the pool. With a salt water pool, salt is added and is used as a chlorine generator. This creates a softer and more regulated water without the harsh smell and side effects of chlorine. Salt is known for its corrosive nature. This is also true in pools. It can cause your ladders and equipment to break down quicker than if you weren’t using salt. If you are considering a salt water system, reach out to your local Maytronics authorized online reseller to discuss the options available to help with the corrosion.

  1. Pros: softer water, sanitizes, oxidizes, and deters algae
  2. Cons: possible pool corrosion, higher cost than chlorine, may shorten the life of your Dolphin Robotic swimming pool cleaner


Using a swimming pool ionizer in your pool to maintain pool water quality is another option. An ionizer is used to distribute ions of copper, silver, zinc, and other metals into the pool. 

The ionizer has an electrode that is plumbed into the pool plumbing to do this. While an ionizer can be a better option than chlorine because of the lack of side effects and smell, an ionizer only kills some bacteria and mostly takes care of algae prevention. 

An ionizer does not prevent the spread of certain germs and viruses and does not oxidize. This means that if an ionizer is chosen, it will need to be supplemented with chlorine or another oxidizer to remove swimmer waste such as sweat, saliva, and personal products like deodorants and lotions. 

  1. Pros: no side effects or harsh smell, very good to prevent algae growth in your pool
  2. Cons: does not kill all bacteria and needs to be supplemented with chlorine or another oxidizer


Bromine is in the same family as chlorine. If there is a chlorine allergy, there may be a bromine allergy as well. Bromine is a great sanitizer but not a good oxidizer. There are options available to combine bromine with chlorine to oxidize. You can also mix it with potassium peroxymonosulfate to shock the pool. Using only bromine in the pool will create a greenish color and will create a foam when you swim so if you plan on using bromine, you will need to use it in combination with another pool chemical to create an enjoyable swimming experience. 

  1. Pros: great sanitizer
  2. Cons: does not oxidize and will need to use with chlorine or other chemical to shock the pool, turns water greenish and foams with motion

Mineral Pools

A mineral purification system is another great option. By using minerals and an ozone purification system you can reduce harsh chemical usage and reap all of the benefits of a clean and sanitized pool. This is the most expensive option, but it is also the healthiest. While the start-up cost of this option is higher than the others, the benefits of using less harsh chemicals and gaining the therapeutic effects of the magnesium in the water might outweigh the cost.

  1. Pros: reduces the need for harsh chemicals, highly effective
  2. Cons: high start-up cost


An ozonator inserts an active form of oxygen into the pool. This reacts with the contaminations in the water and kills pathogens in the filtration system. Using an ozonator reduces chlorine usage up to 90% but works best in a dry climate. If you are in a hot and humid area, this system may not be the best choice. 

  1. Pros: reduces chlorine usage by 90%
  2. Cons: does not do well in hot and humid climates


To make the best decision for your pool, it is important to determine which benefits make the most sense for you and your pool. Review the pros and cons for each option and do additional research on whichever option you decide on. Once you know what you will be using, it is time to choose the best Dolphin robotic pool cleaner for you.